Published: Mon, 08/01/22

Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls - August 1st, 2022

-- Extended Crystal Skull & Spiritual Family -- for this issue of our newsletter
we wish to invite you to watch our 1st On-line Crystal Skull Panel co-sponsored
by ourselves and The Center for the Advancement of Humanity plus more of
an introduction what this new center is all about that we are actively helping
to build it!!

Dear ,  
Joshua: Once again, we send our prayers and good energy to each of you and your families, our special members during these crazy times but if our intuition is correct, there are some big positive changes and transformations about to happen for our world in the near future which in the past month of July, we saw some amazing visible signs of. We also want to offer the new people who have just joined our newsletter as a result of our work with "The Center for the Advancement of Humanity" and the new videos we have just shared within the past week (including the new Crystal Skull On-line Panel) on the Center's Rumble Video Channel.  Yes dear extended family, there are a lot of new activities happening for your Explorers and within our world, where do we begin (stay tuned ok!!)?

For our new Members some Tips: We have created several years ago a 3 part crystal skull documentary series which we put on Youtube but recently, these videos have become inaccessible (could be due to the cancel culture running rampant over social media??) so we setup a Crystal Skull Explorers Rumble Video Channel earlier this year where you can find this very extensive documentary series, so feel free to go to: https://rumble.com/c/c-626273  .... Next, check the next section about the new "Crystal Skull Panel" with basically 7 panelists we just did last week. And finally, if you want to view any of the previous editions of this newsletter we have done over, gosh not sure, the past 7 or 8 years I believe, you can visit our archive page at: https://archive.aweber.com/cryskullfree

1st On-line Crystal Skull Panel, July 27th: Last week, we recorded in the Zoom Room of The Center for the Advancement of Humanity (see below for more details about our new Center) the 1st on-line Crystal Skull Panel hosted by ourselves along with the Center. The 7 panelists who participated, each one has experienced and had contact with Crystal Skulls and, as well as, are strong supporters for the new Center.  I served as the moderator and was also one of the panelists. I asked each person present a series of key questions to discover more about the true nature of the Crystal Skulls and their future importance for Humanity. Here is a brief bio on each panelist:

Nicole Majik (RI, USA) - crystal skull teacher and public presenter, seller of crystal skulls along with a biologist/chemist who has appeared at times on various radio and tv shows to discuss the skulls and;

Judy Kumar (B.C., CAN) - a spiritual seek of truth and sharer, who's life changed when meeting the well-known Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull which activated her spiritual wisdom and she says in telepathic contact.

Rev. Dr. Phil Delong (FL, USA) - spiritual medium and mystic, healer, spiritual teacher, crystal skull guardian and teacher. He is very connected to the Pleiadians who will speak through Rev. Dr. Phil.

Todd Sergot (CA, USA) - energy and crystal practitioner and healer, crystal skull guardian of which he is receiving telepathic message from Galactic beings.

Judith Anne Smith (NZ) -- spiritual seeker of Truth, energy healer, holistic health practitioner, has a strong inner connection with the Crystal Skulls including the British Museum Skull, working on creating a healing center in NZ.

Ely Pazur (CA, USA) -- crystal skull guardian and teacher, works with meditation activations with the skull in nature, has a strong inner contact with inner dimensional beings and Galactics, a healer.

Carey Boutin (WI, USA)- crystal skull guardian, reiki master, energy healer, teaches others how to work with crystal skulls [Note - unfortunately Carey was only able to appear briefly, she was meant to be our 8th panelist but her internet connection had problems ... she is a member of this newsletter, she has a big collection of crystal skulls and Carey has always supported us with our personal crystal skull work :-) ]

Joshua Shapiro (GA, USA) - crystal skull explorer, author and public speaker. Co-founder of the Center for the Advancement of Humanity, does on-line and TV interviews and creator of public crystal skull events.

From the early feedback we have received from viewers of the panel's video, and how the panelist themselves felt we conducted this event, it was very well received. Therefore, you can count on there will be a second on-line crystal skull panel in the near future. We will probably have some new panelists plus there were all kinds of other deep questions that we can ask about the crystal skulls that we didn't have time to do so within this first one. So you are probably asking how can you view the panel (it went for about 2 hours, we asked 7 different questions)? Well, go to this page on the Center's Rumble Video Channel at:


What is the Center for the Advancement of Humanity all about?: In a prior edition of our newsletter we briefly mentioned our new Center. The idea for this Center came during a meeting I had with two friends here in Atlanta in the fall of 2018 whereupon, being a writer, I wrote a document to share a vision I had of such a center. This Center will be spiritually based and we will be focusing upon sharing the most powerful, uplifting, profound and insightful information about the true history and nature of humanity and our world. This means that we anticipate to be publishing books, producing documentaries and movies, setup special public events (talks, classes, workshops and conferences), have a very elaborate website and much more using all forms of media available. However, back in 2018, we were unable to find the proper support for all the resources needed to create such a Center so this project was sitting as just an idea within the back of my mind until ...

After being sick with some type of flu or cold (it wasn't covid) for the whole month of February (I call it an ascension or vibrational upgrade and then I decided to become a vegetarian after this), in March of this year, I heard a voice in my head (from "Spirit" or more likely our Galactic Family) say "Joshua it's time to begin working on the Center!!" -- "But, but", I said, "how can I do this when I don't have any or all of the resources (funding, equipment, projects, personal etc ...) necessary to make this happen? It sounds like a great idea but if I tell other people they will just say -- 'Oh there goes Joshua, that typical Aries, with his next great idea but he doesn't have what is needed to make it work as he has done this before so ...' - how can I do this?"  But the voice kept insisting I move on and the voice seemed extremely serious ... So I decided to begin to share the idea of the Center with friends I know and to my utter disbelief - these friends were just as excited as I was and immediately joined in so that as of today, at this very moment in which I am writing this edition of our newsletter, we have more then 40 people helping us now in 10 countries , all holding energetically the vibrational essence for this to happen but this is not all (now we will move on to the more crazy parts but if you really resonate with the idea for the creation of such a Center then perhaps it won't sound so crazy at all, aye?) ...

Once again, earlier this year in another edition of the newsletter, I did discuss briefly that there is a New Financial System coming into our world. This system will be fully protected and no one's personal funds can ever be stolen (the on-line financial system will be that advanced).  Thus, then, all the currencies within the world will be of an equal value as well as will be what is called asset backed or backed by precious metals such as gold and silver and others. It is not my place to discuss here what all is involved in this new system. But one of the key concepts constantly discussed on telegram is that we the People will see the return of the money that has been stolen from us over the years (by the old system run by the elite) and when this happens, then a tremendous amount of funds will become available to support humanitarian and spiritual projects (like the Center) to help create a peaceful world. If you decide to visit the Rumble Video Channel of the Center, there are two videos there with interviews I did with two highly respected individuals who speak a great deal about the new Financial System (you may hear such terms as these to describe it: GCR [Great Currency Reset]; QFS [Quantum Financial System]; or GESARA [Global Economic Security and Reformation Act]).

I will be donating all the information I have collected and all of the books I have written over the years to the Center since I became awake. That is from my Aquarian Age Networker days starting in 1980 and then as a Crystal Skull Explorer in 1983 (when I met the ancient crystal skull "Ami"),  and in exchange for this donation, for the first time in my life, I will have assistants (a support team) to help me put together all this information for new books and videos that will come out. This also means as I have seen in my future visions that (as all of this false plandemic stuff is about to end soon, so many people are seeing through it now) I will be able to continue to travel the world (with support with the Sister Centers) to offer many many new and amazing public events, of which quite a few will include the crystal skulls. I know I have spoken to a few of you already, members of this newsletter about the Center and they have decided to be a part and we are so so grateful.

Within last week, due to some of these special videos we shared on the Center's Rumble Video Channel we have an explosion of new people either subscribing to this channel and also joined our Telegram Channel. The video channel is giving our visitor a very good idea about what subjects our Center will be exploring and sharing with the world. I am discussing the Center here in our newsletter in case there might be a few of our other members who might like to be involved in some way or help us to hold the energy for the Center in other parts of the world. There are many people speaking on various channels of Telegram about aspects of this NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM and how it is slowly but surely making its presence known especially starting out in Russia where they have now backed their currency, the rubble, with Gold and are taking actions which follow the guidelines set by GESARA.

Here is where to find our new public channels:

The Center's Rumble Video Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1617742
The Center's Telegram Channel: https://t.me/Center4AdvofHumanity

Temporary Webpage to Describe Center: http://www.crystalskullexplorers.com/Center4AdvHumanity.html
Center's General Email: [email protected]

We also have a pdf document we can send you that describe our visions and future goals if you would like to see it. So we are seeking more people who wish to be involved with creating the center itself for the moment or who might wish to become a future member when we start sharing our products and services (some for free and some for a fee).  So if you want to join us, wish to know more or have any questions, it is probably best to send an email to the Center's General Email shown above.  Our first physical center we will create will be in the Atlanta, Georgia area. But we have builder members so far within the U.S., Canada, Virgin Islands, England, France, Italy, Holland, Australia and New Zealand.  

Finally a side note ... a crazy side note but I believe it could be very true -- for those who have a copy of our Free E-book "Messages from Rjis" (if you want to get a copy feel free at any time to email me) and know who rJis represents ... I asked rJis, as he is one of my "Spirit Guides", if The Center for the Advancement of Humanity exists in the Earth's timeframe he lives in and his answer, "What are you joking, this Center is literally all over the world ... I also just heard a voice on my left side say - even more numbers of this center will exist then you have of McDonalds now - oi vai - am I going crazy or is the future of our planet going to be so amazing, so much like a Paradise that none of us, that is none of us right now can even imagine what it will be like ... anyway stay tuned as I am sure we will have more exciting news to share about the Center and The Crystal Skulls in our next edition of this here newsletter!

in peace and light always, God Bless and be safe - to an amazing 2022 and here comes the Golden Age knocking on our Doors!!

Joshua with Katrina
your crystal skull explorers

email: [email protected]
websites: www.crystalskullexplorers.com   www.cse.crystalskullexplorers.com  https://crystalskullexplorers.multiscreensite.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshuashapiro.cse
twitter: @csexplorer
youtube channel: Crystal Skull Explorers Video Channel
Rumble Video Channel:  https://rumble.com/c/c-626273 

Joshua Shapiro & Katrina Head
email: [email protected]
skype: joshaushapiro17
phone: (+)1-706-518-3189

23711 63rd Ave. S.
Kent WA 98032

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