Clear your limiting beliefs for free on March 31st!

Published: Thu, 03/30/17

★ Helping Earth Angels live aligned and alight ★​​​​​​​
Each of us experiences thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, some of which can hold us back from experiencing our lives in joy and peace. Perhaps you know what some of these beliefs are, and perhaps some of them are unconscious, yet are still affecting your choices and actions.

ECM, Emotional Clearing Method, is a meditative visualization technique that combines research on neuroscience and the interconnectedness of the mind, emotions, and body, and was influenced by a number of modalities and techniques such as psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, Reiki, hypnosis, and visualization. ECM works with your brain’s neuropathways to release set patterns, attachments to limiting beliefs, and negative emotions, which can block many of us from moving forward in freedom and living in our potential. Recent medical studies have proven that these beliefs, emotions, patterns, and effects can actually stem from events before we were even born that were then transmitted through familial DNA.

The good news is we can change our DNA. That has also been scientifically proven. The patterns, beliefs, and negative emotions carried through our bloodlines no longer have to have any effect on us. We can choose to release them. ECM is one method that can be helpful for releasing negative opinions of oneself, beliefs that one will never be successful, safe, or prosperous (for example), beliefs you aren’t even aware of, as well as releasing anger, resentment, sadness, fear, guilt, and shame.

Join me on Friday, March 31st at 2 PM CST for a free teleconference where I'll guide you through a session of ECM for clearing limiting beliefs.

During this call, we will focus on releasing limiting beliefs about:
♥ Yourself
♥ Family, love, relationships, and all other people
♥ Career, finance, money, goals, and your purpose
♥ Your health and wellness
♥ The world
♥ Anything else that keeps you from being congruent and aligned with your true and higher self

ECM will not clear anything that is in alignment with your highest good, nor anything that you don't give yourself permission to clear. It will only help you clear that which you don't want and which doesn't serve you.

You don't have to do anything but sit back and listen! How easy is that??

Join me on the call and let's do away with limiting beliefs!

Friday, March 31st at 2 PM CST (12 PM Pacific; 3 PM Eastern)

I recommend attending the actual event, howevevr, a replay link will be emailed out following the call for those who are registered, but unable to attend live.

See you later, Alligator!

♥ Amber

P.S. Have we connected on Facebook yet? Find me at or join the Live Your Light Tribe right here.
I am a Spiritual & Intuitive Guide and certified Integrative Wellness and Life Coach and I help women spiritual + holistic lifestylers, practitioners, and champions to heal their own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual “stuff” so they can explore and deepen their spirituality, align to their life's mission, and joyfully serve the planet in their own unique way. Let's get started!