Why was the giraffe late?

Published: Fri, 06/23/17

★ Helping Earth Angels live aligned and alight ★​​​​​​​
Why was the giraffe late?
She was caught in a giraffic jam!

World Giraffe Day took place this week on June 21st (also Summer Solstice of course), and since we've been exploring spirit animals in the Live Your Light Tribe this month, I thought I'd share a couple of animal jokes with you. Giraffe also happens to be my son, Stone's favorite animal, so it's kinda perfect. (One more giraffe joke at the very bottom of this email - it's Stone-approved!) 
The sharing in the Live Your Light Tribe** this month has been fascinating! I set the intention at the beginning of the month that group members would have "magical spirit animal encounters" throughout June, and it seems to have worked! Members have been posting about interesting experiences they've been having with animals for weeks.

I shared a little about the spirit animal that showed up on my birthday, which was June 12th.

We also did a 5-day live version of Spirit Animal Safari(TM) in the group.

come join us if you're not already over there** and share about your own animal encounters! (**If you're in the group, please see the P.P.S. at the bottom of this email.)

On June 27th you can meet your Power Animal!
I'm hosting a teleconference where I'll guide you through a Shamanic journey to find your Power Animal - THE animal spirit ally that closely mirrors you and carries guidance for you anytime you need it. Here are all the details:

Which Power Animal mirrors your soul?

Perhaps courageous commanding Lion… Intelligent instinctive Wolf… Spiritual sighted Eagle? Maybe wise communicative Whale? Self-reliant fearless Badger? Or even mystical imaginative Unicorn…

The possibilities are countless.

Discover how your Power Animal can benefit YOU.
Activate your innate superpowers, so that you excel as your own unique Self, even in times of challenge.
Pinpoint your lessons and growth opportunities so that you can break unhealthy, ineffective patterns and maneuver naturally through new or difficult experiences.
Open your channel to the Divine so that you can easily receive guidance and direction, and so that you always feel supported and connected to something “bigger”.
Brainstorm dreams, goals, projects and pursuits that are in true alignment with your soul, saving yourself time, money, and heartache.
Guide you into Shamanic practices that connect you with all realms, such as Journeying.
Rouse your imagination and intuition as you take up residence in the fascinating world of spirit animals and their messages.
Experience relationships, situations, and the world from a new perspective.
Navigate interpersonal relationships in a mutually beneficial and effective way.

This Meet Your Power Animal call will open up the possibilities to you in under 2 hours.

Register here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=DEJQZRF39JK9C

During this teleconference, you will start by setting your intentions for the experience. You'll consider areas of life you’d like guidance with, and come up with related questions for you to ask your Power Animal.

I will then lead you on a Shamanic-inspired Journey to meet your Power Animal (commonly referred to as a “Power Animal Retrieval”). You’ll be able to ask your Power Animal your questions, and learn what it wants to share with you. After the Journey, you'll have the opportunity to share your experience with others on the call if you'd like. After the teleconference ends, I invite you to process the experience and how to integrate this new information into your life.

Are you ready to Meet Your Power Animal?

Register here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=DEJQZRF39JK9C

After you register, you will receive an email with the teleconference call-in details.


Ready for that last giraffe joke? Remember, it was approved by my 5-year old...
What's green and hangs from trees?

Giraffe snot.

Sending summer magic and love from my home to yours!

P.S. Have we connected on Facebook yet? Find me at http://www.facebook.com/CelebrateYourPath/ or join the Live Your Light Tribe right here.

**P.P.S. If you are already in the
Live Your Light Tribe, I shared that I'm going to clear out inactive members - those who haven't posted or commented on anything in over a year. If you want to stay in the group, please be sure you've commented or posted something before June 30th, which is when I'll be going through the roster and releasing inactive members.

I am a Spiritual & Intuitive Guide and certified Integrative Wellness and Life Coach and I help women spiritual + holistic lifestylers, practitioners, and champions to heal their own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual “stuff” so they can explore and deepen their spirituality, align to their life's mission, and joyfully serve the planet in their own unique way. Let's get started!