FS Extra šŸ‘£ Make contact with the heart by asking questions

Published: Sat, 05/25/24

Updated: Sat, 05/25/24

Just as itā€™s said that eyes are the window to our soul, I believe that questions are the key to our soul.

Could you imagine a world in which everything is taken at face value and the question mark is never used?

Surely that world would quickly dissolve inside its limits. We would never dream, watching the night sky and wondering what lies far, far away.

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Expose perspectives not always in clear view

Beyond the shell of daily existence there are poignant matters that also want our attention. In fact, we crave purposefulness and mindful intention for our life.Ā 

When we ask ourselves those prickly kind of questions, we are making contact with the heart.

Powerful, penetrating questions can sometimes need a lifetime and there is no guarantee they will even receive closure.

The purpose of asking meaningful questions for self reflection is to expose yearnings and perspectives that might not always be in clear view.

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Spend time with penetrating questions

We become quite expert at keeping secrets from our conscious mind, yet your feelings when hearing a pointed question will quickly let you know the truth of your soul.

Spend regular time with powerful questions, even ones that you find a little uncomfortable.

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