[Des Walsh Update] Rediscovering Conversation

Published: Wed, 04/01/20

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The weekly Let's Talk Leadership podcast show, with executive leadership coach Des Walsh as host, focuses on leadership for the digital age. It includes regular interviews with leaders, leadership coaches and authors.

In business, government, not-for-profits and community organizations, leaders today face special challenges from the convergence of dramatic changes in society, work and technology, not least from the impact of social media. But this era of digital disruption also brings opportunities for leaders savvy enough, skilled enough and willing enough to seize those opportunities and run with them.
Des Walsh

Rediscovering Conversation

2020-01-18 06:21:12-05

In recent days I’ve been rediscovering the pleasure of actual, real life conversation.

The kind of one on one conversation you have with a friend over coffee or a meal, when you are catching up.

As distinct from text message exchanges or comment threads on a Facebook or other social media platform.

This was in part prompted by a challenge from one of my mentors, which led me to start a list of people I admire and like, whether we were already well connected, or not yet, with a view to making a real connection or re-connection.

In the past week I’ve had live conversations with friends in the USA, via Zoom and Messenger, and with a good friend and colleague in India, via WhatsApp. And I have more lined up, in the USA, Canada and Australia.

And then a few mornings ago, although not part of my mentor-prompted project, I had a relaxed, lengthy and very enjoyable conversation with a close friend, Kris Gale, who is currently visiting my part of the world. We speak regularly by phone, but share a particular enjoyment with these occasional face to face meetups.

I’m liking this reconnecting, live, even if not in person.

#friends #reconnecting #conversations

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2020-03-19 02:16:44-04

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Work From Home to Navigate the Future

2020-04-01 19:58:30-04
Many people around the world are having a new experience.
Working from home.
Not from choice, not as a considered way of being able to work more efficiently, or more happily, but as a decision imposed on them as a result of the current pandemic.
Some will find it hard to adjust and long to be back in their regular workplace.
There are all sorts of factors that can make working from home challenging – the lack of direct, daily social interaction with workmates, the lack of a suitable space in the house or apartment to work from.
Or children not understanding why they can’t have their parents’ constant attention when the parents are supposed to be working.
Others may come to see working from home as quite enjoyable, even desirable.
As I do.
A major challenge for that will be how to replace their income and other benefits they still enjoy.
Some will be looking for what they will be doing in that regard after the current health crisis has passed and the world will be surveying the impact on the global economy.
Many must be asking how safe, how secure will be the job they now have, when the dust settles?
It’s surely no coincidence that, when the impact of the pandemic started to hit hard, worldwide, Google searches on “Work from home” jumped 300%.

I Jumped a Long Time Ago

For me, working from home was a logical consequence of my decision to go out on my own as a consultant, row my own boat so to speak.

I came to like it so much I even created a blog about it – “Thinking Home Business” – where I posted about, among other topics the joys and challenges of working from home. 

I haven’t posted there for a long time, but in view of the current situation I’ll consider rebooting it.

Even though I love working from home, I do know a lot of the challenges.
One is to have sustained income, so you are not living the “feast or famine” life that many consultants and coaches, for instance, experience.
A related consideration is for that income to be at least as attractive as the one you are leaving behind.
It took me a long time to find a totally satisfying answer to those questions.
I knew that for me it would involve being able to use the internet, and specifically social media, effectively.
After a lot of trial and error, I realised the answer was to learn the skillset and mindset of a freelance affiliate marketer.
Affiliate marketing is one of the world’s most dynamic and growing industries. There is room for entrepreneurs of every personality type and skill set in the new digital economy.
I had the good fortune to discover a brilliant education and training platform, dedicated to creating highly successful, freelance affiliate marketers, with a high degree of automation and access to a range of high ticket, high quality affiliate offers.
Not to mention a highly supportive, global community of fellow entrepreneurs, making their own way in a challenging world.
And it can be the basis of a fulltime business, or a lucrative side hustle.
I realise that may be gobbledegook to some, but believe me there is a path out of the present crisis.
I’m happy to explain it to anyone keen to create their own future, and not just survive this crisis and wait for the next one.
If you’d like to know more, for yourself or a friend or loved one, let me know. I’ll be happy to have a chat and share what I know.

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