thank you for the Support...

Published: Tue, 04/26/11

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From Jedd Johnson
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Good morning, !
I hope you are seeing the same awesome weather
I am here in PA.  It's nice to see some sun for a
change instead of rain!
First off, I wanted to write and say thank you to
everyone who replied to yesterday's email with your
kind thoughts for me and my whole huge family on
the loss of my uncle.  I really appreciate all the support.
Also, it was good hearing from so many people that
said they are enjoying the Grip Challenges.  It turns
out there are a lot of people who actually try the
challenges out but do not have cameras in order to
submit videos, but they are getting the benefit of trying
the lifts out, anyway, so that is the most important thing,
but I still urge you to throw your hat in the ring down the
road.  Flip cams are less than $100 and they require no
editing, just uploading to YouTube! Other cameras are
even cheaper and work just as well..
I will have this week's challenge video up and ready
to go later on today.  I couldn't get to it yesterday
because of time constraints and having so many things
going on that rarely happen.
For instance, I mentioned yesterday that a local radio
station was coming down to interview me and shoot a
demo of what the sport of Grip is all about.  Plus I did
some feats like phone book tearing, nail bending, card
tearing, and I showed him how the Two Hands Pinch
lift is performed.
All told, it was a cool interview and I enjoyed it a lot. 
I am not sure when it will air, but if you are in the area
of PA and NY where I live, you will be able to watch
the story on WETM out of Elmira, NY.  It will also be
uploaded to their website, so I will send out a link when
I get it and let you guys know.  Maybe we can crash
their server! BWAH HA HA!
OK, - that's about it for right now.  I will
hit you back with another email later on when I get the
Grip Strength Challenge video all finished and up on
the site.
Until then, make it a great day!

P.S.  Hey - Are we connected? 
Below are the three main sites I use to
communicate with friends around the world. 
Make sure that we are linked up!
YouTube:  Jedd Johnson on YouTube
Facebook:   Jedd Johnson on Facebook
Twitter:  Jedd Johnson on Twitter