Way to Get MORE Out of Your Training Time

Published: Fri, 05/06/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello there, !
I hope your workouts are turning into a cascade
of PRs!
I told you Wednesday that I'd have a post for
you yesterday, and I got it done, but it slipped
my mind to send you a note.
In this post, I show you an awesome combination
for Building Traps and Biceps, but that is not the
only benefit.  This has actually helped me out a
few different ways...
1.  Less Elbow Pain - I had elbow pain in my
left arm for quite some time.  After doing this 2
or 3 times the pain was gone.  Attack the point
of weakness!
2.  More Density - This helps me to get more
work done in the time I do have to train, and I
have actually been able to get more work done
in the gym using this technique.
3.  Challenging - This combo is no walk in the
park.  The resistance is moderate, but because
you are banging everything out so quickly with
little rest, you have to be mentally tough!
4.  More Time for Other Goals - I don't have to
skip Grip Training or Finger Rehab due to time
constraints because I can keep moving through
training segments (which I outline in this post)
Lots of reasons to give this pairing, or something
similar, a try - http://www.dieselcrew.com
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Tonight is the night to get your submissions in for
this week's Grip Strength Challenge. 
Get your video in and make sure to share the video
to get the word out.
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All the best in your training.
P.S.  Did you know that I was recently invited
to contribute to a new site, Tough Guy News? 
Check it out.  = > http://www.toughguynews.com/