Epic Showdown - May 21 - Dave vs. Jedd

Published: Sat, 05/07/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello there, !
This newsletter is going to be a bit different from what you are used to!
Instead of training tips, I am calling someone out.
You see for a long while now, there's been something brewing between me and a guy named Dave.
And on May 21, the dust is going to fly, and I am going to get my revenge!
You see, on May 21 at the York Barbell museum in York, PA, legendary Slim the Hammer Man is going to be inducted into the hall of fame alongside his mentor, The Mighty Atom.
If you don't know these guys, you should check them out because the Atom was one of the greatest strongman performers ever, and Slim was taught by the Atom.
As the day nears, it seems more and more names from the strength world will be in York that day, and I just heard that my nemesis, Dave is going to be there as well.
I've tried to keep this little irritation between him and myself secret, but you know how that goes...The irritation becomes an itch.  The itch gets worse and becomes a rash, and before you know it your whole arm is gangreen and you want to gnaw it off like a coyote with his foot caught in a trap.
So, after the ceremony, with hundreds of sets of eyes watching, I am going to get this thing started with Dave and get my revenge.
Will YOU be in York for this salute to the strongman performing greats and this epic showdown, Dave versus Jedd?
This is exactly what I want revenge for right here...
Dave versus Jedd <= Where it all started....

All the best in your training.
P.S.  Check out the results of this week's Grip Strength Challenge  = > http://www.dieselcrew.com/