Challenge Yourself This Week

Published: Mon, 05/09/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Today's Monday, !  
What are you going to accomplish this week?
I want you to take a moment and write something
down that you want to accomplish - maybe it is
something new or it might be something you've
wanted to do for a while.  Either way, write it
down and commit to it that you are going to get
that thing done this week before the weekend.
If you are out of ideas along those lines, then I
might have something for you.
First off, over the weekend, I posted a Steel
Bending contest on the site.  It is taking place
this weekend, so may you want to check it out. 
Go here = >
If you think that Steel Bending is so 2008, then
maybe a Strongman competition is more your
thing.  My buddy Chris Smith is promoting a
contest in June. Maybe this is the week that you
throw a little something different in your routine
and start hossing around some odd objects.
In this article, Chris even shows you how you can
train like a Strongman, even if you don't compete. 
See it here = >
Check those two out for now. By tomorrow, I
will have up this week's Grip Strength Challenge,
and later in the week, I will have the events posted
for this years' Strongest Strength Coach at Juniata,
the annual competition I run at the Juniata Strength
and Conditioning Clinic.
I am also working on an article that I hope to get
done this week on how to battle plant fasciitis.
You see, I recently started doing personal training
here at my gym again and one of my guys has a
history of plantar fasciitis, so I am going to look
through some resources and see what I can come
up with.
As always, a ton of stuff coming your way and
you never know what you will find at  Got something you want
covered?  Then leave a comment at the site or
reply to this email.
In the meantime, don't forget to make this the
week you challenge yourself!
All the best.
P.S.  All the new posts are here = >