Stronger Grippers with Thumb Training?

Published: Sun, 05/15/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,

I know that Grippers are one of the most widely
recognized and most obsessive part of Grip
Strength training.
Many people think that in order to close big
grippers, they have to do a tremendous amount
of gripper work ONLY.
While volume with the grippers can be a good
thing, there are other ways to train the hands in
order to improve gripper performance.
One such way to bring up your grippers without
doing more gripper work is by training the thumb.
Now, you might be thinking, what does the thumb
have to do with Grip Training?
Actually, the thumb is very important in a good solid
crush because it serves as a foundation for the back
handle of the gripper, especially the thumb pad.
Adding size to the thumb pad will actually strengthen
your gripper power because that foundation on the
back handle will be more stable.
For instance, check out what Chris Hope wrote in a
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I got this downloadable DVD, and the info is great.
I've made the modified pony clamp, and it has
helped me to rep the COC#1, and I'm only 2mm
off on the 1.5. The 8 week workout video is also
great, giving me some great ideas for mixing up
my grip training.
Thanks Jedd!
Chris Hope
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If you are looking to increase your Gripper strength,
then you HAVE to include some direct thumb work,
and there aren't many better or CHEAPER ways than
the way I show you in Home Made Strength II.
In fact, the Thumb Clamp tool I show you how to
build in HMS 2 might cost you $9 total, compared
to $50 to $75 for other lever-style devices on the
If manhandling BIG GRIPPERS while SAVING nearly
$50 is something you'd like to do, then check out
Home Made Strength II.

All the best in your training,


P.S.  Just as Chris said, the HMS2 downloadable
DVD is accompanied by an 8-Week Grip Program
Video and PDF that will show you 24 other awesome
Grip Exercises.  Get ready to have a handshake that
will break bones! Get Home Made Strength 2