Slim the Hammer Man

Published: Tue, 05/17/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
This is a special week.
A very deserving member of the strength community
is being honored this weekend by being inducted into
the York Barbell Museum - Slim "The Hammer Man."
I do not know Slim that well, but we have met
once or twice and we have spoken on the phone
a few times.  But I can tell you that in the few time(s)
I have met him, he has impressed me.
, It's not often I meet someone with
bigger hands than me, but Slim does!  In fact, when
he shakes your hand it feels like someone just slipped
a giant catcher's mitt around yours - crazy!
I will be in York, PA this weekend to attend the
inductions, but I also have a couple of other
announcements to point out regarding Slim the Hammer
Man at the site. 
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Please check it out:
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By the way, Slim doesn't just hang out with any slouches. 
The guys that I hear about most often visiting him the last
few years, Dennis Rogers, Pat Povilaitis, Tom Kelly,
Dave Whitley, and Chris Rider, are some of the best
performers of feats of strength that are alive today.
Many of those guys will be there in York this Saturday. 
It will be a great opportunity to meet some of the new
greats and future legends.  If you can make it, I strongly
suggest it.
If you are attending or have a cool story to share about
Slim, please come leave a comment at today's post:  
Hope to see you there!
P.S.  Slide down past today's post and you will see the
latest tee shirt I got designed, the Legio of Grip!