Wild Card & Unilateral Strength

Published: Wed, 06/01/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
If you are subscribed to my YouTube
Channel, then you saw this week's Grip
Challenge (it's got a LOT to do with
Unilateral Strength) AND you saw that
there is apretty substantial announcement
about the next four challenges.
If you did not see this video and
announcement yet, then you need to go
to the website right now to see what I am
talking about.
Go read this = > http://www.dieselcrew.com
Again, you need to check out this
announcement.  It's got nothing to do with
products either, this is about Grip Sport.
Again check out the announcement,
especially if you are in North America .
See it here = >  http://www.dieselcrew.com
This is announcement is going to make a
lot of people happy
All the best!
P.S.  Feel free to forward this newsletter to
your friends and family.
P.P.S.  Are you on Twitter and Facebook? 
If so, be sure to add me:
Jedd on Twitter
Jedd on Facebook