The EVIL SIN of Tire Flipping

Published: Fri, 06/03/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
I've got a rant for you to start off and
then I have some updates for you...
I've been talking a lot recently about the
upcoming release Steve Slater and I are
putting out called,
"Introduction to Strongman Training."
As every day passes and we get closer
to the release, I am becoming more and
more glad that we got together and shot
this DVD because it will help to negate a
lot of the bad advice that is out there.
In a recent Google search, I typed in
something along the lines of Strongman
Instructional DVD, or something similar
and the same DVD came up a few
different times.
I watched the demo/trailer video for this
DVD and I thought at first that it might be
a good resource.  The coach that was
speaking was using all of the 50-cent
words like Triple Extension, Muscle
Recruitment, etc - all kinds of strength
coach buzzwords - you know what I
am talking about...
However, as the old saying goes, "Actions
speak louder than words."  As soon as this
coach stopped talking about the tire flip,
the athlete (looked like a college student
athlete or Grad Assistant) then proceeded
to do a Tire Flip and I kid you not I winced
in pain as we went through it, anticipating
that he might tear a bicep tendon.
Sure enough, after all the buzzwords the
coach was saying were done, the
EVIL SIN of TIRE FLIPPING took place. 
The lifter not only deadlifted the tire up, but
he did it dynamically.
, there is no Deadlift and no
Curl in the Tire Flip, at least not if you do
it right.
To make matters worse, I just read an article
on what I believe to be one of the best
strength training sites on the web and the
very same EVIL SIN was committed - the
dreaded Tire Flip Deadlift was suggested as
acceptable form.
When you flip a tire, you need to push into
it.  Pushing into it with the chest / delts
(depending on your body make-up) will
lever the tire up.  
Strongman training can make you one hell
of a bad-ass.  PERIOD.  But you've got to
do the stuff right.  
This is why Steve Slater and I got together to
put this out so that we can help people go in
the right direction, and avoid these critical errors.
Very soon we will be rolling this out.  To make
sure you get the best price available, sign up
on the form in the top post at Diesel.
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I sent out a note to my Diesel Gripaholics
List yesterday.  I am working on getting
estimates from David Horne, legendary
Grip Sport phenomenon, about selling his
Vulcan Gripper here in the United States. 
The response was so amazing from that
branch of my newsletter, that I thought I
would extend it to all others as well.
If you do not know what the Vulcan
Gripper is, check out this post:  Vulcan Grippers
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I just love watching people I have
helped excel at Grip or Bending. 
Yesterday I posted a video that Carl
Donati Jr. put up recently laying the
smackdown on a series bending bar. 
And not only did he climb the ladder of
bending prowess, but he also did so in
style with a Diesel shirt.
Check it out:  Diesel Shirt in Action
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Well, , that's all I've got
right now.    Sorry for the rant, but I felt
pretty strongly about it and I wanted to
send the note because I am always
looking out for my brethren of the
world-wide Diesel Crew, like you!
All the best!
P.S.  Feel free to forward this newsletter to
your friends and family.
P.P.S.  Are you on Twitter and Facebook? 
If so, be sure to add me:
Jedd on Twitter
Jedd on Facebook