Update from the Road - Trip to Sorinex

Published: Fri, 06/24/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
I hope you tore up your workout today.
I am writing you from a beautiful hotel
room in Irmo, SC.  I am in town for the
annual open house at the Sorinex Facility
called Summer Strong.  This is the 4th one
they have done and I think some pretty
crazy stuff is going to take place.
Here are some things I have already heard
mention of...
1.  There is going to be a seminar on Olympic
Lifting- not sure who is doing this one.
2.  There is going to be a seminar on Kettlebells. 
I believe Andrew Durniat is heading this one up
and will be focusing on the Kettlebell Sport side
of things.
3.  Nick Tumminello (sp) is going to be speaking
on Muay Thai.  He has his own personal
videographer here to capture as much as possible
on film.  He also has a top secret project planned
for Sunday which sounds awesome.
4.  I will be speaking on Grip Training and Grip Sport.
5.  There will be various Grip and other Strength
Training challenges throughout the day.  This is
going to be the funnest part of the day, in my eyes,
 and also when there will be the most damage and
Honestly, , if you are anywhere near
here, I hope you come check it out, because the
Sorinex showroom has one of the most impressive
collections of strength training equipment and
vintage pieces that exists in the world.  I walked
through the facility earlier tonight before watching
"Man Clips" a bunch of awesome clips taken out
of Man Movies.  
So not, only did I walk by the biggest collection
of anvils, Fatman Blobs, and other Grip Training
devices in existence, but then I got to watch
clips of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Sylvester
Stallone all one after the other in quick succession.
There was also a segment with Brad Pitt from a
movie besides Fight Club, so I did not even
know what that movie was...
Anyway, it's going to be awesome tomorrow. 
I can't wait.  Not sure if I am going to be able to
sleep tonight, but I hope to capture a bunch of
my own footage as well.
I mean there's going to Strongman Stuff, Hand
Balancing, probably some Bending and Tearing -
I just plain feel lucky to be invited.  
I will keep you in the loop. I have a ton of stuff
to tell you guys from last weekend still, since I
wasn't able to put together a rundown of my trip
to Juniata, so there is going to be a crapload of
awesome stuff coming up on the site and on my
YouTube Channel.
Stay tuned, my friend.
All the best.
P.S.  If the name Sorinex seems familar to
you - it should.  I have written about the founder,
Richard Sorin, many times on the site.
He coined the term Blob, which I wrote about
recently, and he was one of the first Iron Masters as well.