The Strongman Training DVD

Published: Mon, 06/27/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
The DVD I have been telling you about,
Introduction to Strongman Training,
is now available.
See it here:  Introduction to Strongman Training
I still remember the first Strongman contest
I did, back in 2003.
We had no specific Strongman equipment
because there was almost no place to get it.
These days, strongman equipment is readily
available all over the internet!
We had no log, so we had to do Clean and
Press with a normal bar.
We had no stones, so we went to the Beer
Distributor and begged for old kegs, filled
them with water and sand, and trained with
them instead.
We had no Farmers, so we made up a rig
using low cable row handles and EZ curl Bars.
Conan's Wheel?  Not even close.  We put a
big pipe over the Olympic bar and walked
around with it.
No one else in the entire gym had any idea
what the hell we were doing, but we did.
In fact, that was when I started becoming
as strong as I ever was!
And now, when you get this DVD, you can
work towards becoming as strong as you
ever have been as well.
Check it out:   Introduction to Strongman Training

I know you're going to get a TON out of
this DVD. 
Steve Slater and I worked to pack as much
information into it as we could.
So what are you waiting for? 
Go get it!   Introduction to Strongman Training

P.S.  Some of my fondest strength training
memories have been hanging with my Diesel
training partners and pushing one another to
new PRs in things like the Log Press or lifting
a bigger stone than ever before.  I think you
will too, once you get Introduction to Strongman Training