The Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful People

Published: Mon, 07/11/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
I heard a great quote today while I was
listening to an audio CD about being successful.
The speaker was Joel Comm and he said:
"The difference between the people doing it
and the people not doing it, is that the people
doing it are doing it."
Now, there are no typo's in that sentence.  It
is completely correct.
This is what that statement means...
The people who are successful are successful
because they make their success happen.
These people don't just sit around and make goals.
They go out there and make things happen.
Whatever you want to do, you can do it -
but it isn't going to be handed to you.
You've got to get it.
Since you are on my strength and fitness
newsletter, you obviously have goals you
want to accomplish.
But are you doing everything in your power
to make those happen, or are you just waiting
around to make your next move?
My bet is that if you are setting PR's and
becoming more successful both in the gym and in
other parts of your life, then you are an action
taker and you are making things happen.
My guess if you are not seeing improvement,
stagnating, or getting worse in the gym or other
parts of your life is that you are not taking action.
Today's Monday and you've got the whole
week ahead of you, so I challenge you, 
, to either keep  doing what you
have been to stay successful and keep progressing,
or if you are one of the guys or gals who has not
been taking action, to get on that right now.
Decide your goals, lay out your plan, and
make it happen.
One of my goals with my training recently has
been to bring up my thick bar performance,
because it constantly holds me back in my grip
competitions, and I was very successful with
that last week.
In fact, I Farmer's Walked the Inch Dumbbell
and the Blob.  I mentioned this in an email last
week and can you believe I got responses on
Facebook saying people didn't believe me?
Here's the video -  it even has a shot of my little
girl - I can't believe how big she is getting:
Another one of my goals has been to provide
you with more information and entertainment
on the blog, so I put a few new features up on
the site over the weekend:
Summer Strong Write-up Part 3 - MASSIVE BLOBBERY
Card Tearing Feedback and Progress
Derek Jeter gets his 3000th Hit
I'm still waiting on the rest of the Foam Rolling
article from my friend, Joe Musselwhite.  Once
I get that, I will get it posted ASAP.
I also have some other stuff I plan on posting
including this week's challenge and more, so
make sure to bookmark the page.
Also, I will be almost completely unavailable
from Friday until Sunday as I have Grip Nationals
this weekend and the Strongman Training
Workshop on Sunday.  There's still time to sign
up for that, so if you want to learn the strongman
events, you can find out everything you need to
here:  Strongman Workshop.
In closing, make your success happen, !
MAKE it a GREAT day!