Foam Rollers for Grip Strength???

Published: Mon, 08/01/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
I hope you are having an awesome weekend.
My little girl, JayCee, just laid down for
a nap, so I thought I'd shoot out a quick note.
Three New Posts for you on the site.
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The first one is a guest post from Joe
Musselwhite,covering how to use foam rolling
and other SMR techniques for the lower arms. 
This one is specially designed for those
interested in Grip Strength and Arm Wrestling!
SMR for Grip Strength
Don't know what SMR is?  Then you'd
better check out Joe's post...
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The next one is my write-up from Nationals
last weekend.  It was one of the closest
competitions I've ever been in and watching
the other guys go at it in the other classes
was amazing.  Check it out...
Grip Sport Nationals 2011
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Finally, the submissions for last week's Grip
Strength Challenge, the 25-lb Plate Curl for
Reps, are posted.  See how you did as well
as other members in the Diesel Universe. 
As you'll see, the results brought about a bit
of controversy!
Plate Curls for Wrist Strength
If you don't know what a Plate Curl is, you
best find out, !!
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, enjoy the rest of your weekend. 
I will talk to you soon. 
You can be sure I will be hitting the ground
running, and I hope you do too!
All the best in your training,