10 Ways to Increase Vertical Leap

Published: Sun, 09/04/11

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Diesel Crew Strength and Fitness Tips
From Jedd Johnson
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Hello ,
I don't normally send out emails on Sundays but I am today.
First off, I have been teasing you with this post for over two
weeks and don't want to keep you waiting any longer,
because it is pretty darn good.
Second off, I am driving up to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in a
bit and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, so this is
kinda my weekly Monday Morning email...
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Serious Jump Training Methods:
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This post is from my buddy Joe Meglio, who works with a wide
range of athletes.  His guys play lots of sports but the one thing in
common that they need is lower body power and the ability to LEAP!
If you are an athlete or coach athletes who are in need of serious
elevation, these are some drills you can start adding and implementing.
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Get Your SKY On!:
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, finish the weekend STRONG and hit the ground running on Monday!
All the best in your training,

P.S.  Implement Strongman in Your Training = >  Intro to Strongman
P.P.S.   Build Your Grip Training Arsenal = >  Home Made Strength II