New Huge Article: How to Build Atlas Stones

Published: Thu, 09/08/11

Hello ,
Before I tell you about today's new post, I just want to say
that I hope everyone is safe and sound.
Here where I live, it has been raining hard and steady for
over 24 hours and there are floods and serious damage all
throughout this County and others nearby, and all the way up
into New York State. 
I know I have a great deal of subscribers in this region of the
U.S. because of the appearances I have made and trips I have
taken over the years, so I hope you are safe, .
Next, I have a huge post up for you from my buddy, Steve
Slater, showing the entire process of making Atlas Stones using
his company's molds.
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How to Make Atlas Stones = >
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I actually posted this last night, so I am sorry if you have already
checked it out, but I have barely been able to get onto the Web
at all due to my internet service and electrical power going out
many times over the last 24 hours.
What you are going to see in this article, today, is the way
Steve Slater makes stones.  Steve has probably made more
atlas stones than anyone else in the world, so he knows a few
things about preparing the mold properly and securing it so it
doesn't break during the process.
Over the course of the last few weeks he has been working his
ass off making the stones for this year's World's Strongest Man
contest, which is being held in the United States this year. 
Imagine preparing all of the Atlas Stones for some of the
strongest men in the world - WOW.
OK, - I hope you enjoy the article.  Please leave
a comment if you have a question and if you like the article,
please feel free to Tweet it or post it to Facebook.  It helps a lot!
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How to Make Atlas Stones = >
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All the best in your atlas stone making!
P.S.  Steve Slater is a wealth of knowledge.  If there is anything
else you'd like to know about Strongman Training, please let me
know and I will get with him.  Maybe he can do another article
for us once he returns from watching the World's Strongest Man contest.