I Had to Tell Her No.

Published: Tue, 09/20/11

Hello ,
Since you are a dedicated subscriber to my newsletter,
I know that you are in the gym multiple times a week
hitting it hard because you love it.
Often, the gym and training is the least of people's
worries for their success.
Where they get hung up is in the kitchen.
People write in and ask me what they should be eating,
how much, when to eat what.
The fact is diet is something I've always struggled with,
so I don't feel right giving suggestions along those lines.
That's why I recommend this instead:  Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
Just yesterday, I was contacted by a woman for
Kettlebell training, which I enjoy and I am more than
happy to help her with, but I had to tell her no when it
came to dietary planning.
I'd much rather send people toward a recognized
master in the field, like Skip LaCour, who does this
stuff all the time.
Skip's written 10 books, has 8 DVD's and even more
materials out there, not to mention the fact that he's a
6-time National Drug Free Bodybuilding Champion. 
Plus he's been working with people for 25 years on this stuff.
I mean, who else could be better qualified to help you
achieve your goals from a nutritional aspect?
Skip teamed up with Brian Cannone, another person who
has been involved closely with natural bodybuilding for
decades to produce Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition and
for this week you can tap into their mastery
for just $47 (intro price for this week)
Get it here:   Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
, if food choices, scheduling  and nutrition
programming are what you need help with, this could
be exactly what you wanted. 
And if you pick it up through my link, I will help you
out with what I am good at, training with the gym.
Just send me the receipt, I will sit down for a 30-minute
coaching call where I will answer any question you throw
at me to the very best of my ability and we can even keep
in contact down the road in case you have any follow-up
I'm dedicated to helping you succeed.
All the best in your training,
This is where to get Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
Don't forget to send me your receipt after using my affiliate link.