2 Coaching Calls for the Price of 1

Published: Thu, 09/22/11

Hello ,
Earlier this week I told you about a new program
coming called, Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition ,
by Skip LaCour.
I also mentioned that if you get this new program
through my link, I'd offer a half hour coaching
call to you.
Well, I just got word that Skip is now offering a
coaching call too (I think he got this great idea
from me...) for all those that get his
Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition
between now and midnight Friday.  

When you get Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition,
and you can call him and get one on one consulting.

Get it here and Skip will PERSONALLY help you
put it to use:

Skip usually charges $200 an hour for phone 
coaching but you'll get to talk to him for free 
when you get his Simple Bodybuilding Nutrition. 

==> Click this link to take advantage

All the best,
P.S.  Don't forget you have to go through
my link (in this email) to get both coaching opportunities.