New Article: How to Improve Overhead Press

Published: Thu, 09/29/11

Hello ,
I just posted a new article up on the site that will show
you some methods you can use to increase your overhead press.
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Improve Overhead Press Article with Videos
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These are some of the actual techniques I used to take
my Log Clean up over the 300-lb mark.
These modifications I show you  will not just add weight
to your overhead, but also pack muscle on your frame as well.
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Improve Overhead Press Article with Videos
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I know you are going to like the article.  Please share it
on Twitter and Facebook and be sure to LIKE the video
on YouTube as well.  It really helps me continue to bring
you outstanding training information.
All the best in your training,
P.S.  In case you didn't see it before, the Gironda Workout
Report is still available, but until like tonight.  Go to this link
to watch a Gironda Tribute video and Download the Report

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The link above is an affiliate link.  I could be compensated
somehow if you make a purchase.  I have of course looked
at this material and feel it is a good product and am
comfortable in telling you about it.