Strongman Training for Battling Sports

Published: Mon, 11/07/11

Hello ,
When you hear Strongman Training, most people only think
of the sport with the Giant men flipping tires, hauling trucks
and planes behind them, and lifting giant logs over their head.
However, this kind of training is actually very beneficial as a 
supplementary form of training for athletes, especially those
who have to do battle against other athletes.
Great examples of this are Battling Sports, like Football,
Wrestling, and MMA.
The question I get from strength coaches and trainers do not
have to do with the benefits from this type of training.  
That is already very clear to them.
What they want to know are things like how to implement
strongman training and which movements are best.
Well, I just posted an interview with a strength coach and trainer
who has been very successful at this and you can read it right here:
Interview with Chris Miller:
I've got Chris on standby to answer any of your questions related
to his interview, so if there is anything you'd like to ask him, leave
a comment in the box below the post and he will follow up with 
any answers or explanations.
Thanks and all the best in your training.
P.S.  Have an awesome training week, !
P.P.S. Newest post here: