3 Keys to Muscle Building?

Published: Wed, 11/16/11

Hello ,
As more and more people subscribe to my newsletter
and my YouTube channel, I in turn get more questions as well.
The last few months, I have gotten a lot of questions
about muscle building.  These have come from subscribers
as well as just my friends, people I know from work,
people from Facebook, etc. 
People want to know how to pack on some muscle!
So what I did is I put together the 3 Main Things I follow in my routine.
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3 Keys to Building Muscle
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These 3 Keys or Principles have enabled me put on muscle
over the years as well as increase my strength.
Now, it's obvious you have to do things like be consistent,
and have goals.  Those things are already apparent, or at least
should be for you.  Those things are not included in thee list.
These three things are what it is all about for muscle, strength,
and  feeling great:  Do These Three Things
Next week, I am going to cover a bit more detail on exercise
selection and program layout.
Also next week, I am releasing a new DVD on Gripper Training,
the most popular form of grip strength training.  Things are just
about ready now that we cleared some background technical things up.
Read about my new DVD here.
All the best in your training.
P.S.  Dude?  Are you getting some PR's or what??
P.P.S. Newest post here:  DieselCrew.com