Your 24-Hour Window Begins Now.

Published: Sun, 11/20/11

Hello ,
I hope you've been having a great weekend.  Like I said on Friday, I went to Atlantic City, NJ this weekend to watch a friend, Pat Audinwood, fight at Ring of Combat #38.  
It was my first live MMA event and I had a great time (aside from sitting on the bleachers, but that was nothing a little stretch break didn't take care of.
The awesome thing about it is Pat won his fight, and won the title in his division, so he now wears the belt in the Lightweight Division!!!
Since Pat made the former champion tap to an armbar, I thought I would do something in recognition and hold a contest for a copy of my new DVD, CRUSH:  Total Gripper Domination.
If you want a copy, then go here to find out how to throw your hat in the ring...
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Gripper DVD Contest
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Now, before you completely write off your chance of winning, keep this in mind...
I have thousands on this email newsletter and have for years.  However the last time I ran a contest like this, less than 1% of the subscribers took action.
I want you to take control of your destiny right now, go to the site, see what is required for the contest (it is very simple), and GO FOR IT.
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Take Action Here
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OK, bud.  That's all there is to it, but don't forget, you have 24 HOURS ONLY.
All the best in your training.
P.S.  Please feel free to share this with your friends, on your blog or website, or through Facebook.