Article: Beginner Stone Lifting Information

Published: Thu, 12/08/11

Hello ,
My buddy Steve Slater sent me an awesome article the other day and I just got it posted.
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Beginner Stone Lifting Information <= Top Post
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You know that Stone Lifting is AWESOME.
You know that it is beneficial for your strength and athletic ability and it is fun as hell too.
However, you and many others do not know how to go about getting started with Stone Lifting.
So, Steve sat down and laid it all out for you...
Safety, Warm-up, Tacky,  more Safety - It's all in there.
So please check out the latest post and make sure to add it to post it on your Facebook Wall so that you can help out others in your friend list who also want to learn more about Stone Lifting.
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Beginner Stone Lifting Information <= It's all laid out for you
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Let me know your feedback by leaving a comment on the site.
Thanks and all the best in your training.