I'm Back from Pinchville USA!

Published: Thu, 12/15/11

Hello ,
Sorry I haven't been in touch much this week. 
It's been a rough one due to some tech issues and other things,
but thankfully it is looking like the week will finish strong!
Speaking of finishing strong, two real strong dudes I know,
Elliott Hulse and Chandler Marchman just put together an
awesome little package of 19 Hybrid Finishers, and it's crazy cheap,
just $19 this week only. 
Check it out here:  Hybrid Fat Burning Finishers
I also wanted to share with you some cool and awesome news.
Last weekend I traveled to Ohio to compete in a Grip contest
and once again set another World Record in the Two Hands Pinch.
Check out the write-up and videos - this record was actually fairly
drama-packed.  I really had to commit in order to set the new mark.
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Raising the Mark in Ohio
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My thumb is still a little messed up from the "accident" that happened
on my second attempt. 
You'll see what I mean when you check out the videos.
Like I said, this record was no walk in the park...

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Crooksville, Ohio - Pinchville USA
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Thanks and all the best in your training.
P.S.  Burn the Holiday Fat:  Hybrid Fat Burning Finishers
P.P.S.  Check out the new write-up and videos:   Raising the Mark in Ohio