What Will You Accomplish This Week?

Published: Mon, 12/19/11

Hello ,
Today is Monday my friend, so it is time to commit to what you want to accomplish this week.
I have a pretty busy week scheduled of things I want to accomplish this week, myself.
Even though I already have footage for two new products to be released in early 2012, I have set up another date to travel to a nearby college and film a speed development video with one of my good friends, Jerry Shreck.
I also have a phone call scheduled with a very accomplished individual named Rick Kaselj.  I have been watching what he's been up to and checking out what he has been doing for over a year now and I approached him about putting something together in the coming year.
This is mainly background stuff for things to come.
Why am I doing this you might ask?
It all comes down to helping you succeed.
You, my friend, are a loyal reader and follower at my site and I want to help you be as successful as possible in your training whether you train to bend and tear stuff, whether you train to push and pull big weights, or if you coach a team to greatness.
So, I have a ton of stuff planned for the next few months to come, but that is the long range view.
The question for today is what are you going to get done this week.
What are you going to do in your training to accomplish your long term goals?
Do you need to take a few minutes at lunch to write down your training schedule or the exact movements you are going to do in your workouts?
Do you need to make a run to the grocery store to make sure you have enough food to last you for the week?
Are there appointments, meetings, or other engagements you might need to re-schedule in order to ensure that you accomplish everything you need to this week?
If so, the time to do that stuff is right now.
Otherwise the week could get totally out fo control and you could be plaing catch-up from the start.
I'm actually late in sending this to you because I just got a new laptop and it is a bit foreign to me and it has taken me a while to get going, but I am striving to catch back up and before long I will have this new machine under control.
So, this email has been mainly about your short term goals, things you want to accomplish this week. 
I want you take two minutes as soon as you get done reading this to just write down on a piece of paper what you want to get done and then at your earliest opportunity start refining that list to include your workout times, sets & reps, and lift goals so that when it comes time to lift, you already have that stuff fresh in your mind.
Now's the time - write down what you want in the next two minutes.
At lunch or during your next break, write down the details you need to add to get there.
That's it - all the best in your training this week.
P.S.  Keep your head warm with a Diesel Beanie : Serious Head Gear