Are You Just a Milking Cow?

Published: Thu, 12/22/11

Hello ,
I received an outstanding remark from a reader this morning and I am excited to share it with you.
This comes from Dragan Milojevic, of Serbia, and it is just an excerpt from an email he sent me.
"I am now in the process of reading through your site and resources and looking forward to learning more. Needless to say, I am also very nicely surprised with your honest and friendly approach, whereby you do not see customers as "milking cows" but as actual benefactors of your knowledge. "
Thanks so much, Dragan. You know, I see exactly what Dragan is talking about in my inbox every day, and I am glad to say I don't approach my on-line business like I am trying to suck money out of you or try to milk you for all you are worth.
The fact is, I love helping people.  Every job I have ever had, I was helping people in some way.
For instance, my first job ever was mowing lawns.  I worked for a company who contracted lawn care work, mostly for people who were elderly and who could not do it themselves.  It was great when the home owners would come out and say thanks for making their lawn look nice.  One nice old lady even brought us banana bread one day - it was awesome.
My next job was working at a Beef Processing Facility near where I live now and I was a Spanish interpreter.  Much of their work force consisted of Spanish-speaking individuals, but the Management was all English-speaking.  I was able to make everyone's job much easier there because finally the communication gap was narrowed and the work site became more productive and safer because of this improved communication.
I eventually ended up joining the emergency response team there.  This was because one day in 2004, a guy's protective mesh got hung up in the gears of a machine and nearly pulled him in and almost killing him.  The policy was if you were not emergency-trained, you could assist and I felt helpless so I immediately joined the team afterwards.  Luckily nothing else like that ever happened while  was there.
The point I am trying to make is that it is just in my nature to help people, and I feel I have the absolute best job on the planet right now because I can help so many people.
Whether it is to help you develop the Grip Strength to perform feats or do better in sports, whether it is to learn Strongman Training safely in order to compete or become more athletic, or if it is just to help you accomplish your strength, fitness and health goals, helping you attain good, solid information is why I sit down at the computer every single day.
What's even more awesome is that every time I put out an article or a new product, I end up learning as well.  For instance, today, I am traveling to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania and I am going to shoot  some footage with my buddy, Jerry Shreck.  We have been planning a Speed Development project for about two years now and our schedules have finally worked out to make it happen.  I think I am going to learn a ton today and I can't wait until I am able to share that with anyone who wants to learn about it.
In case you didn't see it, I put up a post with some videos earlier this week on how to select movements for building muscle and strength.  This was a direct result of subscribers writing me and asking for this information.  If this is something you are interested in, check out the post here:  
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Exercise Selection for Muscle Building
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One of the things I plan on working on in the coming weeks, in addition to the many Products and Projects I already have cooking, are to clean up the site a little bit.  Did you know that at there are over 800 posts?
It's true.  It's true, and I want to make the site a bit easier to navigate for you guys, so that is something I am putting on my plate as well.
Well, that's all for now.  I will be hitting the road soon, so have a great day and all the best in your training.
P.S.  Here's that post again for you:  Exercise Selection for Muscle Building