A Short Stroll & How it Came to Be

Published: Fri, 12/23/11

Hello ,

Thanks to the many of you that sent me kind remarks about yesterday's email.  Don't always go all mushy on you guys, but sometimes I do feel the urge and shoot something like that out.
Somehow, there is still one person who is subscribed who managed to find that email bothersome and put in a spam complaint.  Not sure what to say about that, so I am just going to move on to today's post.
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A Short Stroll:  Double Inch Farmer's Walk
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In the post I share a recent major accomplishment for me, a Double Inch Farmer's Walk, something I have been dreaming about for years.
Amazingly, there are just three things I can attribute to helping me accomplish this feat.  And I'd like to share those with you right now, so maybe you can use them in your training.
1.  Mindset Shift:  I don't just want really hard to do things anymore.  Screw that.  Too passive.  I take a much different approach to my training now, something I highlight in my most recent DVD, CRUSH:  Total Gripper Domination.
2.  Goal Pyramid:  I put up a post a few weeks ago on the site, talking about the goal Pyramid, that I was developing to work on multiple goals at the same time.  So far it has been working very well.
3.  Grip4orce Handles:  I've written about them before on the site and even submitted an article to USA Powerlifting about them.  I love these things.  What they have done of my thumb strength is crazy.  If you waqnt to pick up a set go here:  Grip4orce Handles.
That's really all I can poitn to in this case.  If you have questions, let me know.
By the way, this little segment is not up on the site, yet.  I just added it now.  In fact, I might just keep it right here, for you guys only, my extended on-line family.
Finally, if I get all busy and don't get the chance to say so later on this weekend, please have a safe and happy Christmas.  I hope you are able to spend time with family and friends, and maybe even set some PR's in your training.
All the best.
P.S.  Here's today's new post:  A Short Stroll:  Double Inch Farmer's Walk