Which One Meets Your Needs?

Published: Tue, 12/27/11

Hello ,
One of the questions I recently got was from a reader,
John Lettis from Long Island New York, who had
called in, and wanted to know more about Grip 4orce Handles.
He said he had read about the Grip 4orce Handles
in the article I submitted into the October 2011 issue
of Powerlifting USA, but was unfamiliar with them.
So, I told him about them and he now has a set.
Now, I figured that if one of you has a question on them,
then most likely more of you also have a question but just
haven't asked yet.
I also figure that if you are wondering about Grip 4orce
Handles, then you might also be intrigued about other instant
fat bar handles, such as Fat Gripz and maybe even Tyler Grips.
So to help everyone out, I put together a video showing all
three of the different handles and I gave pro's and con's about them.
You can see my review here:  Instant Thick Bar Handle Review
Two of these tools I use frequently
You'll find them out.
One of these I use week in and week out
You'll find out which.
One of them I never use because I hate the design
You'll see what I mean.
It's all right here:   Instant Thick Bar Handle Review
I hope this information helps you make the right purchase
decision for your specific needs.
Any other questions, please let me know.
Until then, all the best in your training.
P.S.  Like I have said before, I feel I have gotten a great deal
of benefit from using the Grip 4orce Handles, especially on
Grippers and the Inch Dumbbell.  Will they work for you? 
That is an important question and I try to lay this information
out for you in this video.