Happy Diesel New Year

Published: Sun, 01/01/12

Hello ,

I am writing this afternoon to day Happy New Year!
I hope you rang in the new year like a champ.
Sorry I haven't been in touch much lately.  I never got sick the entire year with the exception of a few sinus headaches, and then last week, I totally got knocked on my ass with some kind of ear, nose and throat attack.
I was out of commission for the latter half of the week, but luckily I came around enough to have some good family time last night. 
We went and played some Laser Tag to get our appetites going and then we went put a hurting on some Pizza Hut Meat Lovers Pizza.  We snuck in a Netflix movie, Unknown, with Liam Neeson, before we watched the Ball Drop with Dick Clark.
Nothing beats family time and I hope you are getting the opportunity to  enjoy time with your friends and family as well.
Make 2012 the absolute best yet.
All the best,
P.S.  If you want to seriously tackle your Grip Goals this year, then I'd love to work with you at TheGripAuthority.com
I just posted a brand new feature I am doing this year atTGA, in addition to the normal kick-ass Video Features, Articles, Coaching Calls, and more.  This year we are doing Video Analysis to ensure utter domination of all Grip Goals.
Join me at The Grip Authority today and we can get started