Easy Wrist Pain Fix for the Bench Press

Published: Wed, 02/08/12

Hey there - it's Jedd from DieselCrew.com
Today I have a short article and video
for you that will show you a way you
can address wrist pain by slightly
changing how you train the bench press.
Check it out:  DieselCrew.com
The article and video are right at the
top of the page.
You'll see that it might only take a
little bit of an adjustment to enable to
still hit your workout hard and get a
good lift in.
I put this up because I have been asked
about it quite a bit lately.
I hope it can make a difference for you
if you run into problems down the road.
If you have questions, make sure to leave
a comment on the site, or reply to this email.
All the best in your training.

P.S.  Check out the cool highlight video
at the bottom of this post!  DieselCrew.com