Bigger Overhead Lifts?

Published: Sun, 07/22/12

I will tell you one thing right now - overhead
lifting is one of my favorite ways to train.
And recently, it seems like I am hitting on all
cylinders in my overhead training.
So I sat down this morning and thought about
the 5 biggest key factors in my training the last 
few months and I jotted them all down for you
in today's post:  Principles for Improving Overhead Press
This post covers the 5 biggest things I have been 
doing recently, and I think if you do them, you 
are going to see big gains in your overhead lifting
as well.
Check it out today while you have your coffee.
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New Post:   Principles for Improving Overhead Press
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All the best in your training,
P.S.  Did you see the post about the
Lift, Hold and Control Seminar.  <= Check it out here
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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853