Strongman - Useless Fad?

Published: Wed, 07/25/12

I saw a video recently by a famous strength
coach, Zach Even-Esh, where he made the
statement that Strongman Training has become a fad.
I have to say I agree with him.  It seems that
just about everybody who wants to be strong
and powerful is flipping tires, lifting logs, and
carrying farmer's walk handles.
So, in the way, Strongman Training has become
a fad, in that everybody wants to do it.
If you are my age, then you remember other
crazy fads that have been popular in the past. 
For instance, I remember everybody wearing
jelly bracelets when I was in 4th grade,
Zubaz pants when I was in 6th grade, and
everybody had their jeans French-rolled
when I was in 7th grade.
These things were all fads and eventually
went away as fast as they showed up.
There is no doubt that Strongman Training is
fad-like in that many people want start doing
this type of training in order to reap the benefits.
However, in my opinion, Strongman Training is
NOT  going to go away any time soon.
There is simply too much benefit from using the
variety of different training tools like Strongman
Training provides.  The force production and
movement patterns are too close to what is
experienced on the field, court and mat to
abandon these types of training tools, and styles.
However, the fact remains that too many people
are entering into Strongman Training who are
not ready.  Zach said he saw some people nearly
get crushed by the relatively light tires they were
flipping during his recent contest.
So, how then, can this be corrected?
The best way to correct this is by education,
and this comes in two parts.
Trainees need to  understand that they must
have first developed acceptable levels of
conventional strength prior to taking on
Strongman Training. 
In my opinion, if a trainee can not squat their
bodyweight for 5 repetitions on a regular bar
and squat at least 300 to 350 lbs to parallel,
then they have no business trying to flip a
legitimate strongman tire.
In my opinion, if a trainee is not readily handling
300 to 350-lb or so in the Deadlift, then they
have no business working with serious Atlas Stones.
I could go on and on giving guidelines like this,
but the idea is that the basic lifts must be mastered
and certain levels of strength must be attained with
conventional training methods before going on to
advanced ones.
After all, you must learn to crawl before you walk
Walk before you run
And run before you jump.
The second part of the equation is technique. 
You must have a good, experienced instructor show
you the proper way to lift the odd objects that
Strongman Training entails.
In June, I was at a Clinic here in Pennsylvania
and held a hands-on training session on Stone
Lifting and a recently "certified" coach came up
and did some lifts with technique that absolutely
scared the hell out of me. 
Even if you have reached the proper strength
levels to approach Strongman Training, you can
flush all of that hard work down the drain by
lifting Strongman Implements with improper form.
When it comes to Strongman Instructional material,
our Intro to Strongman DVD is the best on the
market.  We cover all of the most well-known and
beneficial  forms of strongman training and the
implements used.
So, when you are ready to rock some strongman
training, start here.
All the best in your training,

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Top 5 Products / Programs:
Nail Bending eBook
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Intro to Strongman DVD
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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853