Benefits of Barefoot Training?

Published: Tue, 07/31/12

In 2009, I kept reading about and seeing videos
of people doing their strength training and even 
running on roads with bare feet.
I gave it a try here and there but didn't do too 
much with it right away.
To be honest, I pretty much wrote it off as a fad.
Then, in 2010, I went for the RKC, Russian 
Kettlebell Challenge Certification, and we
were required to either do the drills in bare feet
or some other type of acceptable footwear.
Well, all I had was my sneakers at the time, which 
did not fall within the acceptable footwear
requirements, so I took them off and did the 
three-day certification in bare feet.
To my surprise, my feet felt great, my knees felt 
awesome and my hips and back did as  well.
Also, to my surprise, all of the hype about being 
able to get better grounded and transfer strength
from the ground up was true.
From then on, I began doing my inside strength 
training in one of three ways:
1.  Barefoot
Any time it is warm from Spring to Fall, I am
2.  Socks
If it is chilly, like in early Spring or late Fall, I 
will leave my socks on, just so my feet don't 
get crampy from the cold mats and concrete.
Remember, I train in a garage that sets below 
ground level, so the flooring can be very, very 
cold during these times of the year.
3.  Socks and House Slippers
During the dead of winter, I will train in socks
and slippers because it is just so darned cold. 
However, these two layers are so thin that I can
still grip the floor very easily with my feet.
To this day, there have only been a handful of times
where I have either trained or competed in a contest
with shoes on, and most of those times involved
training outside.
A couple of months ago, I happened on a great
article on barefoot training and running by a gent
named  Shaun Daws.  I reached out to him and
asked if he'd be interested in putting together
a post for us here at about barefoot
and minimal-sole training, and he obliged.
You can see the post here:  Barefoot Training Article
Many of you have asked why I am always wearing
goofy footwear when I train.  Between this email
and today's guest post, you should hopefully
understand why.
Any other questions, feel free to leave a comment
at the bottom of the post.
Thanks and all the best,
P.S.  Did Jedd run away with the circus?  Find out here
P.P.S.  There's still time to sign up for the Grip Strength
Seminar I am holding in a couple of weeks.  Sign up here.

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