Gas Was Splashing My Leg

Published: Tue, 08/07/12

I stopped at the gas station yesterday to fill
up the tank in the old Explorer and before
I knew it I was getting splashed on my left
leg - there was a giant hole in the fuel system.
That was it - I had enough of the endless problems
and drove the Explorer to the dealer to look at cars.
While we were going over my options, my car
dealer brings up the fact that he wants to start
training and get back into shape, so we got
to talking about training, diet, and P90X.
I don't know much about P90X, except for all
three people whom I have met that own it lose
a lot of weight in a short time, then either get 
extremely burned out or hurt, then quit the 
program and put all of their weight back on or more.
Then he told me the price tag on P90X - I guess
it's a few hundred dollars for the program!
I couldn't believe my ears, especially because
I know there are much more affordable options
For instance, Mike Whitfield uses what he calls
Workout Finishers, with his clients, which are short 
but very intense metabolic exercise groupings
that are done right at the end of a workout 
with the object of fat loss.
You see, Mike knows that a lot of people, like you,
follow strength and muscle building programs 
and protocols, and would never try to add some
crazy program like P90X to your already demanding
workout schedule.
So what he did was he assembled 40 Finishers
that you can instantly plug in at the end of your session.
Want to build muscle and increase strength, but
also want to control your body fat?  No problem.
Mike's got 40 exercise pairings already put
together for you that you can choose from, and 
attack your fat stores before hitting the showers.
In fact, Mike put together a guest post for the site
and I just posted it here3 Insane Workout Finishers.
Make sure to check out how much weight this
dude, lost - 105-lbs in total.  Now Mike works as
 a personal trainer and helps others strip their
fat off.
Again, here is that guest post from Mike Whitfield.
I met Mike through a mutual friend, and although
he first released his program, Workout Finishers,
several months ago, he is hooking you all up with
a special deal where you can get the entire program
for less that $20.  
If you haven't tried Finishers at the end of your
workout, then you should.  The few personal
training clients I have love them because they
are athletic and competitive at heart, and like 
pushing themselves.  We call our Finishers, "Burn-outs,"
and I keep track of their finish times and everything.
You can check out Workout Finishers and get
an awesome Diesel Discount  this week.
All the best in your training.
P.S.  I also have a Bonus that I will send you when you
pick up Workout Finishers through my link.  Mine
is called, "Forearm Blasting, Grip Building, Calorie
Burning Circuits."  I know it's a long title, but I guess
I am not as good as others at choosing titles.
Plus it's free if you pick the program through my link
and forward me your receipt, so that makes up for
my lack of creativity.
Go here to get Workout Finishers by Mike Whitfield.

P.P.S.  Today is the last day to sign up for the Lift, Hold,
and Control Seminar at the lower price for this weekend. 
You must go here if you want to get in at the lower price.

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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
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