Why Am I Not Getting Stronger???!!?

Published: Tue, 09/04/12

For those in the US, I hope Labor Day was great
for you yesterday.
Did you see the post I put up?  Labor Day Q & A
I answered a few questions I have received in the
last couple of weeks, so check it out if you've sent
something in.
Also, today I posted a guest post from a really well-
known name in the Strength and Conditioning 
profession, Eric Cressey.  It's called 5 Reasons You're
Not Getting Stronger.
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Guest Post by Eric Cressey 
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Eric is the type of guy that is so smart is just uncanny.
Listening to him talk, you can just tell that he is a
consummate  professional, well-read, and up-to-date
on current research.
Eric owns Cressey Performance up in Connecticut,
where his clientele is loaded with professional 
baseball players and prospects.
Today, he talks about some of the common pitfalls
that people fall into that keep them from reaching
the levels of strength they want to attain.
Be sure to check it out here.
All the best in your training,

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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853