Did You Catch World's Strongest Man 2012?

Published: Mon, 12/31/12

DIESELS - how we doin'?
Throughout most of the day yesterday,
I was all alone, so I was able to watch
a great deal of the qualifying rounds of
the World's Strongest Man 2012  contest.
Then, my wife and daughter got home and
there was a hostile take-over of the TV and
I was forced to sit through Dora The Explorer
and Hallmark Christmas movies the rest
of the day, so I did not get to watch the 
competition to completion, but when I checked
Wikipedia, it said that Zydrunas  Savickas won
It also says there were a bunch of World Records
      -  Connahs Quay - Giant Dumbbell Press - 210 lb
     (95 kg) dumbbell overhead for 11 repetitions
     -  Vytautas Lalas - Strongman Squat -  700 lb for
     11 repetitions.
     - Zydrunas Savickas Log Lift for Max Weight - 
     220kg (490lb)
Those are some crazy numbers!!!!!
If you want info on Strongman Training, check
out our DVD:  Intro to Strongman Training.
Speaking of crazy numbers, I put the finishing
touches on  the Top Videos of 2012 post.
You can now see numbers 10 through 1
right here:  Top 10 Videos of 2012.
Make sure to check your email tomorrow
morning for a Major Announcement
Regarding the new product release from 
Joe Meglio and me - Call to Arms.
We are going to show you how to pack some
serious muscle on your arms, which will 
carry over to many other aspects of training
as well as help make you look like a Monster.
Tonight is New Years.  I expect some of you 
will be getting pretty silly tonight.
Please remember you have people who love
you and depend on you, so if you get some
drinks in you, DON'T DRIVE HOME.
My plans got changed and I will be playing
Wally Ball instead of Laser Tag.
Enjoy the night, and Happy New Year.


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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853