99% of People Won't Do This

Published: Thu, 08/15/13

You and I are different, you know that?
We love strength training and we are willing
to do things that most people would never 
even dream about doing.
Most people who train are perfectly happy
with going in and hitting a few sets on a 
handful of machines and  finishing with
a few minutes on the treadmill.
But you and I love a challenge.
You and I are not afraid to stray off the 
normal path and forge our own road.

This week, I decided I was getting a little
bored with my regular training and wanted
to go out and hit some stones.
I didn't end up hitting stones and chose 
Sandbags and Kegs instead and I talk
all about why right here.

This workout was awesome brother.
It was a hot day and it was great to get out
there and sweat in the hot sun and literally throw stuff around.

I love Odd Object Training, because it gets you
strong as an ox and finds any weakness you 
have and exploits them.
The day after this session, WOOOH, my erectors
were LIT UP right in the center of my back!!
Don't worry - it wasn't any kind of injury.
That just means it's a weak area I need to bring up.
If you've wanted to lift Atlas Stones but don't 
have any to train on, Sandbags and Kegs are two
options that might be a bit easier to find.
And when you want to see some examples of
how to work them into your training, just check
out this post =>  Beginner Odd Object Training.
All the best, DIESELS.

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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853