50 Years of Boxing (Tension in the Arms)

Published: Thu, 08/29/13

I absolutely love hearing from all of you about
your training.
Today I got a message from Clair Hardy from
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  He purchased one
of the 6 Armaids I had in stock.
I shipped it out to him on Tuesday and he 
received it  earlier today.  This is what he said:
     "Watched video and did my first session. Feels
     like active release therapy. I like it. Been lifting
     and boxing for over 50 years and playing guitar
     for over 40 so lots of tension in my arms. Great stuff!"
Clair, great to hear, my friend - thanks for sending
that in.
The Armaid is a great piece. 
If you have a history of arm pain/injury,
you need this piece so you can feel the relief
that it gives you.
When you go through the videos that come with
the device, you will become your own personal
The Armaid will let you fix problem areas in 
your arms like trigger points, adhesions, and 
other underlying issues.

Order yours here: Armaid: Fix Your Own Arms
I ship these via Priority Mail so they get to you
faster. As you can see, Clair's Armaid got all the
way to Canada, across the border, and through
customs in just two days.
I don't mess around when you guys are in pain.
I want you to get back to top form and be pain-free.
Armaid will help get you there.  Get Yours Here
All the best in your training,
P.S.  Don't forget, when you order Armaid, I 
also send you a copy of Indestructible Elbows,
an ebook I wrote which covers the Training
to keep your elbows strong and feeling good.
P.P.S.  The Blob Lifting eBook will be ready soon.
Stay tuned!
P.P.P.S.  I am working on producing replicas
of a very famous Grip Implement.  I can't say
too much more, but the first one will be ready
very soon.


Think and Grow Strong Master Course
Think and Grow Strong Master Course
Think and Grow Strong Master Course

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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853