I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt

Published: Thu, 09/19/13

Awesome story alert....!
So I felt bad about ragging on my wife's
Chevy Traverse yesterday, so I decided 
to point out one more good thing about
it to be fair.
She has Satellite Radio installed, so I got
to tune into a station that plays ONLY 
hits from the 90's.
Well, on this particular day, they were 
playing the top 30 songs in the nation
from 1992.
In 1992, I was in 7th and 8th grade, easily
one of the best times of my life. 
Some of the best WWF Wrestling was going on
at that time, and some of the coolest music.
One song that I heard, which I haven't heard
in years, was "I'm Too Sexy," by Right Said
Check this story out
I remember in 7th grade, a bunch of friends
and I had to do a skit for one of our classes,
so we did a music video to that song.
I remember doing the Rick Rude Hip Swivel
every time it said, "I do my little turn on the
When we finally showed the finished video,
it was a RIOT.  Everyone in the class that
it was HILARIOUS, and we were voted
Best Project.
In Your Face Emily Weed, valedictorian!!!!
Wish I knew where that tape got to...
Anyway, if you have aspirations of getting
a cut-up midsection like the one Ravishing
Rick Rude has in the picture above, I am
here to tell you that a great way to do it
is short, intense, training sessions.
One of the things I did to supplement  to
weight loss dietary approach and the distance
running I was doing earlier this year was
5-minute bursts of activity.
When I started doing these, I saw WAY MORE
fat loss than when I was just jogging at one
steady pace (BORING and TEDIOUS)
What I started doing was placing them either
right when I got up in the morning or right before lunch.
For the workouts first thing in the morning,
I would get on my exercise bike and bust
out a 5-minute biking sprint.
To continually push myself, every time the
speedometer on the bike popped up on the
display, I made sure I was going at least 20
mph, which is a pretty good clip on my machine.
I also  kept track of the distance I covered,
and constantly aimed to bike further each 
These jacked up my metabolism for the whole
day and let me hit the ground running, knowing
I had just accomplished a bonus fat burning workout.
For my lunch-time workouts, I would set
up 4 or 5 bodyweight exercises and do them
out in the lawn.
I would try to keep on moving through the
various exercises for the entire 5 minutes 
without stopping at all.
By the end of both of these 5-minute workouts,
I was gushing sweat, my heart was racing, and
I knew I'd be burning calories for hours and
hours afterwards.
That is the benefit of high-intensity burst 
sessions like these (not to mention the fact 
that they take only a short time and can be
plugged into your day painlessly wherever 
they work best for you).
Today, Mike Whitfield has an example
from his program Workout Finishers for you.
If the choice that work best for you is to 
add in these micro-burst workouts at the 
end of your regular workout, that will
work nicely too. 
You'll see one way to do that in today's video.
Make sure you let me know
if you have questions about these three options,
(1)first thing in the morning, (2)prior to lunch
or other meals (3)at the end of your workout.
Also, when you pick up Workout Finishers
through my emails this week, send me your receipt,
because I've got a special bonus, Grip Strength Finishers
for you I want to send you. 
Just forward me your receipt.
All the best in your training.

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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853