Does Grip Training Work for Arm Wrestling?

Published: Wed, 10/09/13

I am asked all the time about Arm Wrestling.
People think that since I have these super-strong
hands, I might also be good at arm wrestling.
Well, in a recent episode of Grip Strength Radio,
we had an accomplished Arm Wrestler on the
show and I asked him what he thought about
these questions.
   = = > Listen to the show here < = =
As it turns out, Eric Roussin has owned Grippers
longer than I have, BUT he never got into using
them much until the last few years.
He has been an arm wrestler since he was in his 
teens, though, so he brings a great deal of 
experience to the table.
He has also begun his transition into Grip Sport
well.  At the Holdfast Gauntlet (write-p coming soon)
he finished 2nd and won the Trap Bar Hold for Time.
Make sure to listen to this interview.
Tomorrow, I will be interviewing Chad Netherland,
a performing strongman and motivational speaker
who was recently featured on Stan Lee's Superhumans.
The show is posted here (near the bottom) => Upcoming Interview
What I am wondering is if there is anything
YOU would like me to ask him?
If so, leave a comment at the bottom of the post.
I will do my best to get to all the questions, but
only the ones that are posted in the comments 
section at the bottom of today's entry.
I hope you enjoy the podcast interviews.
All the best in your training,
P.S.  Don't Forget:  When you order a DVD
during October, you get a fr ee bonus Magazine
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