(Top 20) Kettlebells, Hubs and Hip Thrusts

Published: Tue, 12/23/14

Hey there Diesels!  Jedd here with a new post up on the site.
The last few years, I've posted a countdown of the most
popular videos I've uploaded through the year, and today
I started the Top 20 of 2014.
Here are numbers 20 through 16 < = Click here
Today, you're gonna see my partners and I training on
an AWESOME 200-lb Kettlebell, you'll see how you
can train the Barbell Hip Thrust SUPER HEAVY 
without having to deal with the pain normally associated
with it, and some cool Yoke Training, as well as other
popular videos.
Chances are, you haven't seen all these videos.
I get short on time and don't get a chance to post 
them all to the site or send out an email about them,
so be sure to subscribe to my channel.
Also, if you have any questions about what you see
in the videos, feel free to leave a comment either 
on the video, on my website, or just reply to this 
email.  I save all the questions and answer them 
the best I can in coming episodes of Cooking with Napalm.
Thank you for checking out my videos.  I love
sharing my training with you, hearing about yours,
and answering your questions.
All the best in your training,
P.S.  If you are looking to get yourself a new training
program for Christmas, look no further than Lift the Blob.
I just knocked $10 off it, and it's an instant download.


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Think and Grow Strong Master Course
Think and Grow Strong Master Course
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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853