Wrestling with a BROKEN ARM (True Story)

Published: Tue, 05/12/15

Question for you - -

How bad do YOU want to win?

How bad do YOU want to accomplish your goals?

Do you want to win and accomplish your goals THIS BAD

Read on...

As I was cruising Facebook last night,
weaving back and forth between the
nonsense about Tom Brady's deflated balls
and the lies about Bin Laden's death,
I found this gem, from my friend, Jared Fleming.

He said:

"So proud and inspired by my girl and
her AMAZING performance at the USA
Wrestling National Championships this weekend!!

Veronica showed more heart and internal
motivation to win than I have ever seen in another person.

During her 4th match she broke her arm
and tore ligaments
... To the point you
could see her arm was actually deformed.

She came back with 2 minutes left on the
clock and WON the match with a broken
and took 3rd place overall!!

Can you believe that?  

I actually had trouble getting to sleep last night
because of this...

It inspired me so much, I got an adrenaline rush
and wanted to train, but it was bed time.

I gotta get my beauty sleep, brotherrrrr!

Man, DIESELS, I hope this fires you up today.

I hope it motivates you to take your training up a notch.

It should make you want your goals even more.

Imagine having to finish a wrestling match with a broken arm.

No, not having to.

I'm sure nobody told Veronica she HAD
to go out and finish the match.

She did that because of her burning desire for
and savage hunger for excellence.

Let's take a bite out of that today and apply it
to our life, our work, our family, and our training.

What do you say?


Gripper Guys and Gals:
If your goal is to smash big grippers,
you need to know the methods to build
monster Crushing Strength shown in
CRUSH:  Total Gripper Domination.

If you bounce around between programs
and need structure in your training,
then get this program:  Cadence Based Training

If your goal is to become a Captain
of Crush, you need to know the specifics
for Wide Set Specialization Training:
Operation - Gripper Certification
Think and Grow Strong Master Course
Think and Grow Strong Master Course
Think and Grow Strong Master Course
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Jedd Johnson / Diesel Crew LLC
PO Box 806
Wyalusing PA 18853