Only 3 People Have Ever Done This Major Feat!

Published: Tue, 12/15/15

Up until a couple months ago, nobody in the world
had ever pinch-gripped 2x25kg plates.

First off, that's a LOT of weight - more than 110lbs!

Second, smooth steel 25kg plates are rare to come
across. Usually, the only people who have them are
people who run powerlifting competitions, and I
know from experience, promoters don't like loaning
out their calibrated plates so some dude can try to
pinch-grip them.

And third, they are super expensive, costing
HUNDREDS of dollars for a pair of 25kg plates!

However, earlier this year, Juha Harju successfully
pinch 2x25kg plates.

And some of us took a few tries at pinching them after
Gripmas this year.

Click here to see if anyone was successful.


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