Iraqi Dinar RV special tradition (Christamas treat inside)

Published: Thu, 12/23/21

Ho-ho-ho, ,

Is this the year our Christmas Story comes true?

Are we gonna get our "Red Ryder BB Gun"?

Of course our bb gun is a Iraq Dinar revaluation to

.10 cents!?
a $1 !?

$3.21 !?! :)

Like little Ralphie from the movie our hopes have been dashed so
many times.

Just when we thought the RV was going to happen
The "teacher" says, "You'll shoot your eye out kid."

No RV for you...  :(

Last year Santa gave us a devaluation!

Nooooooo!  That's just cruel.

We've waited so so long.

We want the dinar to skyrocket in value!

We've been "good"...

Iraq's been good.

Even Maliki has been good this year!

In the end...maybe there will be some Christmas Story magic...

Just as we think all the presents have been opened...

and we didn't get exactly what we wanted...


What's that in the corner?

Could it be?

Could it be the dinar RV we've always wanted?

Maybe just maybe this will be it.

There has been so much dinar exchange rate information
in the news.

Something really must be happening right?

The gurus certainly seem to think something is stirring.

If you haven't been paying attention, it might time time
to visit Dinar Guru and follow along again.

The CBI, Iraq, international investors
and the entire Middle East are saying something big
is coming to town...

After all this time you don't want to miss things as they unfold.

Only 9 days left in 2021...

Now let's catch that sneaky dinar RV mouse already! ;)

I've sent this out the past ten years...the community loves's
a favorite for sure.

Perhaps this will be the LAST time we see this tradition?!! :)
The community is abuzz with possibilities and debate!
My fingers are crossed this is the last Christmas you
get enjoy this sweet RV poem while you can.

May your last days of 2021 be bright and merry and your nights
warm and loving...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Twas The Night Before Reval

Twas the night before reval, when all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping, not even my spouse.
The Dinars were laid on the table with care,
In hopes that the news soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of new cars danced in their heads.
And mamma in her snuggie, and I in my drawers,
Had just settled our brains for a long currency war.

When on the computer there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to I typed with a clash,
opening to the homepage to see the News Flash.

The glow of the screen on my laid out Dinar
Gave the vision of dreams I had held at afar.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a flashing notice the RV was here .

The government was seated, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be a trick.
More rapid than eagles they fell all in line,
The IMF had told them "Now is the time".

"Now Mahdi! now, Allawi! now, Abadi and Kazemi!
On, Mullahs! On, Kurds! on, Sadr and Mustafa!
To the top of the basket! to the top of the chart!
Now Revaluate! Revaluate! The RV must start!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the top of the forex charts they flew,
With accounts full of dollars, and new millionaires too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the tile
The prancing and dancing of my wife gone wild.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
I heard my phone ring, a startling sound.

It was my neighbor, who lives down the street,
He is a banker for Chase, and asked could we meet.
A bundle of ideals he had in his mind, of places my riches to put
he could find,
He sounded excited, but I had my plan set in my mind.

His voice how it lifted! He sounded so merry!
His words were like candy, his attitude so cherry!
He promised an exchange rate, without a great spread,
I feared if I trusted my dreams would be dead.

The receiver of the phone, he held tight in his hand,
And I could tell his heart, was beating like a band.
I could imagine his broad face and a big round belly,
That shook when he spoke, like a bowlful of jelly!

He is chubby and plump, like a fat old elf,
And I laughed when I thought about him, in spite of myself!
He asked me to call soon, as he was going to bed,
I thought to myself I have nothing to dread.

I put down the phone, and went straight to work,
I counted my money, then turned with a jerk.
I felt a soft finger aside of my nose,
And there stood my wife in an amorous pose!

I sprang to my feet, and let out a whistle,
And away we flew to our room like the down of a thistle.
The children surely heard me exclaim, as we dove out of sight,
"Happy RV to all, and to all a good-night!"
talk soon
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