Heal Thy Animal Update March - Holistic Approaches for Great Health

Published: Thu, 03/16/23

Dr. Christina Chambreau Helps Your Animals Live a Longer, Healthier Life
HealThy Animal
In This Issue...Reiki, HTA, Massage, Ozone, Eden Energy, EFT and much more

You are receiving this email from Dr. Christina Chambreau because you are passionately committed to having health for your animals, yourself and the planet or because a friend thought you wanted to hear this information.

Reminder - the FREE Dog Summit begins March 21 at 9 AM Pacific time. 

I love hearing from our readers. Leisa Kelly emailed me about her last dog. 

Reading the Healthy animals newsletter (very informative, btw), I am reminded of my Gatsby whom you vaccinated when he was a pup with all he needed. He was vaccinated just once. From then on I had titers done if I needed to show vaccination. (I had had him trained as a service dog, so occasionally I had to prove vaccination status). The last time I had titers done he was 16 years old (he lived to be 19), and I don’t know if you remember,  but his antibodies were as high as if he’d recently been vaccinated.  So, from my own personal experience, I am wholeheartedly in agreement with your article on vaccination.


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to educate and guide me all those years in helping my beloved Tibetan terrier, Gatsby, live a long healthy life. Thank you, Leisa ❤️" Acupuncturist house calls North of Baltimore, MD

Remember - if you have questions about any topic I cover, or want to discuss your pet's health - email me. 

March is about HOPE - there is always something more to try as long as some vitality is present in an individual. 

Step one to take right now - create a health care team that includes an integrative veterinarian. This article helps you find one or more. 

Step two to also start right now - pick one of the energy modalities mentioned here and described in the report and begin learning and implementing it. You will then feel confident using it for any injury or illness.

Then  bookmark (or print) the different approaches here and in the report so you can access it (with its links) if your cherished companion becomes ill in any way. 

Health - absence of illness, excellent vitality, fully expressing their unique personality, no need for ongoing treatment. 

Cause of illness - trauma does cause specific problems. All other problems are from an imbalanced vital force triggered by what we thought were the causes: bacteria; viruses; emotional stress in the family; bad food; yeast; fungus; poor genetics; etc. 

Our goal, then, (step one of HMDM - holistic medical decision making) is to discover what each individual needs to be balanced/have homeostasis. This is epigenetics - modifying for good or bad what the genetic code gave us. 

Other newsletters have addressed many beneficial epigenetic steps - food, avoiding toxins, breathing, exercise, etc. 

Today we are looking at specifically what you can do when your pet is ill, even with some of the early warning signs of internal imbalance. Many of these approaches can also be used regularly to maintain balance. 

Most focus on shifting the energy balance with energetic methods you can learn, then use at home to obviate the need, often, to run to the vet clinic. 

A few of these did not make it into the current edition of the Healing Approaches Report.

The quickest to access are ones you can purchase.

  • Healing essences are totally safe (Jackson Galaxy solutions, pet essences, green hope essences, etc.) They can be amazing. Gilligan had been treated for severe anxiety to NO effect for over a year with drugs, DAP, music, essential oils, CBD, and training. When she tried Rescue remedy, the anxiety decreased significantly in a week and he even started sleeping on his back as he had done before the onset of the anxiety a year ago. 
  • Herbal products labeled for pet use from quality companies or following guidelines from herbal books for pets (Greg Tilford's book is great) can be carefully used. 
  • Some essential oils and hydrosols (safer) are formulated for pet problems (if the web site talks about quality is critical it is probably a good site) - Mellissa Shelton is one good veterinary company. Reading and learning about individual oils can be useful.
  • Supplements can be needed long term to boost nutrition or short term for specific medical conditions. Researching the quality is important. 
  • Magnets, color therapy, sound therapy, crystals and PEMF units can all be purchased and useful. 
  • BEMER is a mat you and your companion can share that increases the flow of blood, thereby helping function.
Our goal is to stimulate our animals' self healing ability. Many of the following can be used to prevent illness, as discussed in the report. 
  • Eden Energy Medicine - her you tubes give you a way to de-stress so your pets do not need to take it on. Many have taken her work, as she also does, and applies it to animals, as do Dr. Farthing and Maddie King
  • Healing Touch for Animals (HTA) - uses hands on touching to rebalance the many energy centers. The dean of the Maryland veterinary technician school was trained in HTA and I saw a dog's months long ear problems resolve after 2 treatments of 5 minutes each - just with his intention and hands. 
  • Reiki classes and groups are available in most towns and certainly on-line. This energy modality can shift the energy of vaccines, drugs, foods so they are less harmful. You can stop pain and by offering it daily can prevent many illnesses. 
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can again help your state of mind/emotion as well as specifically decrease pain and distress in your companions. 
  • Bengston Method can be deeply healing, especially with cancer. The Energy Cure's appendix has details on learning the cycling method and the Sacred Cure by Dr. Rankin devotes many pages to explaining his methods. 
  • Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) can be learned in classes and is good for any problems, especially anxiety.
  • Learning to communicate - really hear/see/feel/sense what your pet needs now is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Until you learn, or for more support when there are problems, try out a few communicators/intuitive healers until you find a good match. They can be amazine. 
  • Deciding what therapy, or practitioner, or food, exercise, etc to try next or that is needed today can be challenging. There are many ways to tune in to a greater knowing - pendulum, dowsing, body sway (my favorite). With two people Applied Kinesiology, which is also used therapeutically, can be equally effective. Discover what works best for you and practice  when deciding which watermelon is the ripest!
  • Tellington T Touch can help with medical and behavioral issues. It also can help you train your dogs and cats of any age. An ace bandage wrapped in a figure eight pattern can decrease anxiety, thunder and noise fears and even itching. At a day long speaking event, the TTouch speaker noted that the resident German Shepherd, while not anxious, was "on alert" and after putting on the wrap he walked straight back to his big crate and rested alertly.
  • Acupressure can be learned and Four Paws Five Directions has much more than just point selection for specific problems.
  • Massage has been known to help animals as much as people. Fox's Healing Touch book has helped people for decades. 
  • Bowen therapy works with releasing tension from the muscles though is not readily available. 
  • Craniosacral techniques heal traumas from birth onward, helping the nerves communicate more easily with each organ thus improving function.
Finally we have the deeply healing approaches that you can learn to use for acute problems. These take a lot of training, some of which is available to lay people, others to chiropractors and veterinarians, and in one state to acupuncturists. I would have one of these professionals on your team. Learn as much as you can to improve the outcome. 
  • Homeopathy
  • Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) - including acupuncture, acupressure (that you can learn), food therapy, Tui Na (you can learn) and Chinese herbs. One combo to have in your emergency kit is Yunnan Baio which given internally or used topically can stop bleeding. Some dogs with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen have been helped when they have a bleed, bleeding mast cell tumors and more. 
  • Chiropractic and Osteopathic medicine can help much more than musculoskeletal issues - even totally resolving a dog with diabetes. Working dogs may benefit from monthly treatments. 
  • Ozone therapy processes oxygen into O3 which is then put into the body. Every medical facility should be using this as increasing available oxygen in the body strongly improves function and healing. Your veterinarian can set you up with a home unit.
  • Rolphing and other deep tissue work does not have to be painful and readjusts the fascia allowing the body to move normally.
  • NAET to eliminate allergies
  • Electrodermal screening

Whew - are you overwhelmed yet? The good news is you now can begin slowly learning whichever approach intrigues you, and create a health care team including some of these approaches. 

To learn more, purchase the $5.00 report with more details here.

I want to serve you and your animals so please let me know what you need or want. Pet Health Coaching Appointments can be scheduled at  HealThyAnimals@aol.com My mission is to empower you to heal yourself and your pets in ways that heal the planet.

Deeply felt hugs to all of you, your furry friends, and the trees, plants, rocks, air and water, too. 
Dr. Christina Chambreau

706 Concha Drive
Sebastian Florida 32958

Dr. Christina Chambreau, homeopathic veterinarian

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