URGENT ALERT: Double Your Support

Published: Thu, 12/23/21

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Our board members and board liaison during the 2021 on-farm board meeting.

Greetings friends, 

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is proud to announce that our team of enthusiastic board members have pledged to match every gift up to $4,000 from now until the end of the year! This is an opportunity for you to double your gift to Dancing Rabbit if you act right now

Our board members have made this pledge because they believe in our mission and they know that Dancing Rabbit embodies proof that sustainable living on a community scale is not only possible, it’s preferable!

Peer-reviewed studies reveal that the average DR resident produces less than a quarter of the average American’s carbon footprint , and most Rabbits experience higher levels of life satisfaction compared to the general public. Our way of life has proven itself to be good not only for the planet but also for people!   

As a community, we steward our land to regenerate it. Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is located on 280 acres of beautiful Missouri rolling hills which were originally traditional Midwestern farmland. These lands have not been row-cropped since 1987, so the soil is regaining the health it lost during years of over-farming. Additionally, 240 acres of our land is set aside for wildlife and natural habitat restoration. Our savanna ecosystem has a diversity of ecological habitats and we are proud to share this land with a diverse range of plant and animal species! 

Although located in a rural region, DR has always maintained connections with the wider world. Each year we open our doors to a wide range of folks and provide comprehensive sustainable education programs, including ecovillage tours, a permaculture design course, natural building workshops, and a work exchange program. These programs are intended to inspire people throughout the world to live lightly and humanely, regardless of where they live!

2022: A Time of Celebration, Growth, and Change

At Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this coming year. It is hard to believe that it’s been 25 years since a group of headstrong Stanford University graduates, who cared passionately about environmentalism and sustainable living, founded this special place that so many families and individuals now call home!

This will be a time of great celebration at Dancing Rabbit, but it is also a time to reflect on how we as a community would like to grow and evolve.   

In anticipation of our 25th anniversary, Dancing Rabbit will be spearheading a number of new initiatives. 

  • DR will establish a diversity fund to ensure that our community is able to provide scholarship opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) to visit us. At DR, we recognize that socioeconomically disadvantaged communities are often those most directly affected by environmental catastrophes. And yet, these communities are often the most underrepresented in sustainability education initiatives. At DR, we seek to address this stark racial and income gap by providing individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities with scholarship opportunities to participate in our visitor programs and workshops.
  • DR will establish a mental health counseling fund to provide counseling services to Rabbits in need, to boost our sense of “inner sustainability.” We know we will  thrive if all of our members are healthy and happy, so we are doing what we can to provide all of our members with the support they need to live their best lives, and trusting that this will expand the positive influence we’ll have on the rest of the world.
  • In recognition of the racial and class privilege of many Rabbits, Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage pledges to support and partner with BIPOC-led organizations who are doing important work within their own communities. This includes providing financial resources to BIPOC organizations, and/or facilitating sustainable education programs in BIPOC communities. We are excited to be partnering with BIPOC organizations that are creating necessary and meaningful change in the world! In a sign of our deep commitment to this goal, Dancing Rabbit will donate 15% of all of our end of year funds to the American Indian College Fund , which provides scholarships to Native American students to attend college and also supports tribal colleges and universities. So if you donate to Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage before the end of the year, not only will your donation be doubled, but a portion of your gift   will also go to support Indigenous college students and educational institutions!   

2022 will be a pivotal year for Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage—as we turn 25 we’ll continue to create a future where we expand the breadth of change in the wider world. We’re glad to have you joining us on our journey of celebration, renewal, and growth! 

Donate between now and the end of the year to double your donation! 

Wishing you a joyous holiday season, 

Priscilla Flores 

Development Director

Center for Sustainable & Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

P.S. We can’t spread our scientifically verified model of living lightly on the earth without supporters like you. Please chip in before the end of the year to make sure we can match all $4,000 of our board pledge!

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