4 Days Left to Double Your Impact

Published: Tue, 12/28/21

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage


Danielle and Althea with a piglet.

Dear ,

If you’ve been paying attention this year, you’ve seen many major climate catastrophes. From the king tides that displaced over 50,000 people in Papua New Guinea, the dramatic melting of the Himalayan glaciers, the record-breaking wildfires in California, to the recent devastating tornadoes in the Midwest. The world is literally struggling to cope with human-induced climate change. Now is not the time to sit idly by as our planet suffers. 

At Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, we provide a different human relationship to our shared planetary home. We live by the old adage: “we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Over the years, without support from generous folks like you, we wouldn’t have been able to be a model of sustainable living that shows the world a livable human habitat is possible. 

As the end of 2021 approaches, you may be reflecting on your year and your impact on the world. The truth is, by supporting Dancing Rabbit’s mission, you are creating the change you want to see in the world, and you are leaving your own legacy of hope for future generations.   

Give today to ensure that we can continue to positively influence the fate of our planet and our future. Remember, you are our best partner in creating a vibrant, sustainable world for our future generations. Your choices DO make a difference! 

There are only 4 days left for you to chip In and still double your impact and see a portion of your gift go to support the American Indian College Fund. 

Together, we can help inspire a truly extraordinary era of sustainable living, human cooperation, and land stewardship and wildlife conservation!   

In community,

Priscilla Flores 

Development Director

Center for Sustainable & Cooperative Culture at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

P.S. Don’t wait. Chip in right now to make sure your gift is matched during our board $4,000 matching pledge.

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